How will it feel to have your bills paid each and every month without worry? Having the extra money to take that long overdue vacation? Create multiple streams of income with greater ease? Uncover exactly what your clients want without guesswork and know exactly what to say to get them to say yes?
All of this and so much more is available to you when you shift your view of money and the way it works in your life.
I’ll share a secret with you… money issues rarely have anything to do with the actual of amount of money you have in your bank account.
If cash flow is a prevailing issue in your life, I totally understand what you’re experiencing. For many years my reality with money was very disconnected. I could always find a way to create money, but it seemed to only make an appearance when I desperately needed (and usually at the 93rd hour) and flow out faster than it arrived.
Looking back I rarely acknowledged money for much more than a means to an end, showing up when I needed it or in small amounts when I didn’t. after many years of this dysfunctional arrangement I grew increasingly tired of this ‘reality’.
One day I decided it was time to create a new relationship with money. I was responsible for the relation I had created. I was equally responsible for changing it. That’s when the light bulb went off!
When I began to recognize that I had a particular set of patterns that I had created did my my experience start to shift. I had to become totally conscious about my money, what I thought about it and what I was doing to push it away from me.
I had to open my eyes that I was literally stepping over countless opportunities everyday to create more cash flow in my life. and once I committed to this new path my cash flow experiences began to shift. Today, I want to share these simple principals with you.
Are you ready to take the next step?
You have talent, resources and abilities. Leveraging your gifts in ways that can create a lot more cash for you will ease your financial struggle.
All of this is available to you when you say yes to your gifts. I want to present to you the CASH FLOW CREATION SECRETS PROGRAM.
As a matter of fact, as a bonus in the CASH FLOW CREATION SECRETS PROGRAM I will show you 10 of the Most Popular and Fastest Income Streams to Implement.
Once you learn them, you’ll be able to develop a portfolio of income streams whenever you want to increase your income.
Not only will you learn about these ten foundational income streams, but you’ll have the resources to know how and when the best time is to implement the ones most suited to your overall business goals and desired lifestyle.
Module 1: Let’s Get Clear – Creating Your Money Plan.
You have so many talents and abilities that are ready to be harvested and monetized. knowing which ones to get started can be challenging. In this module, we will:
Do an inventory on what you currently offer
Gain clarity on where your money is coming from currently
Create a plan to uncover what your audience wants from you and is ready to buy now!
We’ll dive into how money is showing up in your life and how you’re interacting with it
Remember, lack of money rarely has anything to do the actual amount you have in your bank account
Module 2: Is All About Connections: Meeting & Connecting To Your Buyers. Marketing & setting the foundation for sales is the first step to creating more cash flow:
We will find an audience of people ready to buy from you
You will get the tools to drill down deep to find the right buyers for your product or service
In addition, I’ll share with some powerful techniques that will forever answer the question: Why aren’t people buying my stuff?!
Module 3: Focus on Understanding the How, Where & What of Marketing.
How to create deeper connections to your audience
Why having a mailing list of qualified leads is key to making more cash with greater ease
How to match what you love to do to your audience. Not only do they raise their hands and say YES, but you feel like you’re doing work that you truly want to create and deliver
Where to find them?
How do you connect with them once you do?
As a bonus, in this module I’ll teach you how to use live events, social media and your rolodex to get connected with your ideal customer. This is the cornerstone of figuring out what people want to buy.
Module 4: Conversations That Turn Talent Into Cash! What you say, how you say it and when you say it determines whether or not you get the sale. This portion of the cash creation process is so important that you can have the best product or service in the world with an audience ready to buy it. But if you don’t know how to price and sell it at a price that’s fair, you’ll wind up more frustrated than when you began.
I’m totally committed to that not happening to you in this module we will cover:
The psychology of pricing
Billing and collecting your money best practices
Role-playing conversations to walk you through the sales conversation process
As a bonus, I’ll provide you with scripts and templates. You’ll understand how to talk about your work in a way that’s totally engaging. People will want to work with you and tell their friends.
Bonus Module: The Top 10 Income Streams For Creative Entrepreneurs: In this bonus module, we’ll explore the top 10 income stream opportunities:
Direct work with clients
Teaching what you love to do (on and offline)
Publishing (digital and print)
and more
I will share real life case studies exploring each opportunity and help you decide which ones are best for your success.
This course is so comprehensive that you can refer to it anytime you want to add additional income streams to your portfolio.
At each level you’ll receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS including DONE FOR YOU Downloadable MP3, worksheets, checklists, Scripts, and templates guiding you through each module will be provided to you in a private member only area.
You’ll have access to these systems for years and replicate the training to uncover and develop new income streams over and over.
For LIMITED TIME: Receive a digital copy of my latest program ~ The Monetize Your Gifts Masterclass 15 master presenters shared their insider secrets tips and resources all designed to help you create a Masterplan to Monetize Your Gifts.
My business and my life shifted the day I said yes and DECIDED to take a risk and start living from my passion. When I got started, access to a resource like what I’ve presented here today didn’t exist. If it had, I believe I would have been much further along in my business much faster. If this speaks to you, I invite you to say YES to your dream today.
I’d love to help you achieve your vision and make money from expressing your creativity and be richly rewarded for it ~ Rodney Washington
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{Buy TODAY and Download The Masterclass As A Bonus & Get Started Tonight!}
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